
Than Nien newspaper introduce Furoshiki project!

The latest when I was in Vietnam, I had an interview for Than Nien Newspaper. I want to share the article with you. You can read it through below website(:


Gradually, the furoshiki project will grow through exhibition, newsletter, lectures,workshop, supports from shops etc...

I really appreciate all the warm hands from people who care about others who have more challenges to live. I believe we can improve negative actions to positve ones and bring peace and happiness to our same one planet(:


2 件のコメント:

shoguito さんのコメント...

まいこさん、http://shoguito.com に絶賛エントリを追加いたしました。草葉の陰から見守っておりますよ。

Maiko Takenaka さんのコメント...


正倉院展に訪れることが出来たこと、私の今生で最高のプレゼントになりました!合掌 Maiko